• Total credits to degree: 72 (48 course credits, 24 research credits)
• Funding: 4+ years consisting of a mix of TA and fellowship, depending on the needs of department (typical model consists of Fellowship in Years 1 and 4, TA in Years 2 and 3).
• Field statements: A sequence of the following: syllabus (Spring of Year 1); analytical essay (Spring of Year 2); dissertation prospectus (Fall of Year 3). Individual advisors may require additional work to develop expertise in area studies. Main advisor may supervise both the prospectus (Year 3) and one of the other two field statements (Years 1 or 2).
• Required courses: 505 (History of Theory), 506 (Research Design and Methods), and 514 (Language as Social Action)
Year One (Fellowship) – 18 course credits (max.)
9 course credits
6 course credits
3 credits for field statement (16:070:600, course syllabus)
Pre-dissertation field visit
Year Two (Fellowship or TA) – 15-18 course credits, 6 research credits (max. 24)
6-9 course credits
6 course credits
3 credits for field statement (16:070:600, analytical essay)
6 research credits – language training, grant proposal writing, prospectus preparation, pre-diss fieldwork, independent study, etc.
Year Three (Fellowship or TA) – 15-18 course credits, 6 research credits (max. 24)
6-9 course credits
1 credit for field statement (16:070:601, prospectus/diss res proposal)
6-9 course credits
Defend prospectus
6 research credits – fieldwork
Year Four (Fellowship or External) – 2 research credits
Field research
Year Five (Fellowship, Other Internal, or External) – 6-10 research credits
Dissertation write up
Year Six, if necessary (Other Internal or External) – 6 research credits
Defend dissertation; publish articles; apply for jobs; etc.