Bigel Endowment Award for Undergraduate Research in Anthropology
This award provides funds for research projects. The goal of these grants is to fund laboratory and other expenses for original research.
The Bigel Endowment in Anthropology is a unique program offering funds to advanced undergraduate or graduate students pursuing independent or honors research or participating in an approved field school. Money is available to support some expenses at research sites and for various laboratory research expenses including minor equipment. The Bigel does not pay for salaries; it does not pay for major equipment such as computers; and it does not ordinarily pay for photocopying or for books or journals available through the library system.
In addition, undergraduates may apply for a Bigel Undergraduate Conference Travel Fellowship. This is an award of up to $500 that may be granted to one student a semester for the specific purpose of funding travel to a conference, if a paper or poster HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCEPTED FOR PRESENTATION. If more than one student applies, the grant money will be prioritized in this order: paper presentation at national meetings, paper presentation at regional meetings, poster at international meetings, poster at national meetings, poster at regional meetings. All else being equal, a student who has NOT previously received a Bigel will be given preference over those who have. If all applicants have previously received an award, the student who has received the least money from the fund will be given preference. The Bigel will not award funds to graduate students for conference travel.
In addition, recipients of Bigel money must submit a 1-2-page report to the Department of their accomplishments within a month of completing their project. Students who fail to submit such a report may not be eligible for future awards.
Successful applicants are expected to furnish receipts for all uses of grant funds. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. For additional information, please contact the Undergraduate Director of the Department of Anthropology.
All funded research must comply with all applicable University restrictions related to the pandemic and conduct of research at the time of the research. Funding will be contingent on such compliance. Awards for field schools are distributed after proof of acceptance is supplied and require attendance at the specified field school.
Research involving human or animal subjects will require IRB approval before conducting the research, and disbursement of the award is contingent on this approval. Awards for field schools will be distributed after proof of acceptance is supplied and will require attendance at the specified field school.
Click below for Undergraduate Form and Requirements:
NOTICE - Spring 2024 application deadline is Wednesday, February 14, 2024 by 5:00 pm.
Click below for the announcement and application, then click the "download" that appears. When the WORD file opens, click "enable editing" at the top.
document Spring 2024 Bigel Announcement and Application (42 KB)
To be eligible for a Bigel Fellowship, you must have been a declared major or minor in Anthropology (070, 070C, or 071), or minor in Archaeology, for at least one semester and have a current cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. Maximum funding per applicant varies by semester. Partial funding will be given in many cases. Awardees are also encouraged to apply for matching funds available through the Rutgers Undergraduate Research Fellows Program. (Please call 848-932-1644)